Things to consider when buying a pool table for Christmas

Christmas is one of the most popular times for customers to buy a pool table. [...]

Unlock Your Kids’ Potential: How to Encourage Them to Play Pool

Unlock the secrets to getting your kids interested in pool. Learn how to make it [...]

The Top 10 Snooker Gifts for 2023

Our team at Cue & Case have put together a list of gifts for that [...]

Discover the Secrets to Picking the Perfect Pool Cue Gift for Your Loved One

Unlock the key to choosing the ideal pool cue as a gift. Learn about skill [...]

5 interesting facts about snooker you might not know

From the origin of snooker to the world's largest break discover 5 interesting facts you [...]

Ronnie O’Sullivan: The Phenomenal Snooker Player

Get to know the legendary snooker player Ronnie O'Sullivan, known for his impressive career achievements, [...]

How to properly mark your snooker table

We often get asked ‘how do I mark my snooker table?’, and to be more [...]

Why do we Chalk our cue?

Chalk is the single most relatable item when speaking about Snooker or Pool. Buy why [...]

What tip should I use on my Break Cue?

When you play pool, no matter how good a potter you are, your ability to [...]

How to choose the right snooker or pool cue

The main thing when choosing a cue is that you as the player are happy [...]